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The NHS Sustainable Development Unit initiated an in-house Marginal Abatement Cost (MAC) Curve project to determine which energy efficiency projects were likely to give the best cost/carbon reduction benefits in the context of the NHS and help individual trusts identify opportunities to save money.

What does it say about voltage optimisation?

For Small/Medium Acute Trusts, voltage optimisation was identified as the most cost effective energy efficiency measure.

For Large Acute Trusts, voltage optimisation was identified as the most cost effective electrical energy efficiency measure, just behind turning the heating down.

AEA Technology, the designated NHS research partner for this work have since stated that follow up research has shown that results have been better than expected, and if anything, they underestimated the effectiveness of voltage optimisation as an energy efficiency measure.


What is a Marginal Abatement Cost Curve?

A Marginal Abatement Cost (MAC) Curve allows the user to compare the cost-effectiveness of carbon dioxide (CO2) reduction options in the context of CO2 emissions savings. In other words, a single graph allows users to compare options both in terms of cost effectiveness and CO2 reductions.

What is a Marginal Abatement Cost Curve?

MAC Curves were developed by McKinsey & Company as a tool to prioritise carbon reduction measures. To learn more, we recommend:

‘A cost curve for greenhouse gas reduction’

‘Pathways to a low carbon economy: Version 2 of the Global Greenhouse Gas Abatement Cost Curve’